Our Members Stations
Our Members Stations
Our Members in Action
Our Members in Action
International Assistance through Ham Radio
International Assistance through Ham Radio
Many Hams visit countries all around the world to practice the art of Ham Radio and to help whenever and however they can.
Check out the DX Mentor Program - In conjunction with Icom America, we have launched the DX Mentor program. We will be identifying and recognizing those hams who have been assisting hams under the age of 30 to begin their DX journey. More details can be found at https://www.swodxa.org/dx-mentor-program/
DX Mentor Program
Download the most recent and the back issues of "the exchange"
Club Newsletters


Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12th, 2024
Dinner around 5-5:30 meeting begins at 6:30. Hunter Pizza, 4165 OH-122, Franklin, OH 45005 - (937) 746-5415

The program is "Improving Your DX Experience" by Ralph Bellas, K9ZO

This presentation will be informative and fun!

Upcoming Programs
Date Speaker Topic
Thursday, September 12th, 2024 K9ZO - Ralph Bellas Improving Your DX Experience
Thursday, October 10th, 2024 Clipperton DX Group TX5S - DXpedtion to Clipperton Island
Thursday, November 14th, 2024 K0BBC - Matt Holden DXpedition to Vanuatu


NR8Z - Tom Inglin

Past President

AJ8B - Bill Salyers


AD8FD - Brian Bathe

Vice - President & DX Forum Moderator

KB8KE - Ken Allen


W8RKO - Mike Suhar


K8DV - Dave Vest

DX Grant Committee Chairman

K4ZLE - Jay Slough

DX Dinner Moderator

W2FQ - Dean Chapman

DX Dinner Prize Chairman

KC8RP - Richard Pestinger

SWODXA Station Trustee - W8EX

AA8KY - Billy

New Member Committee Chairperson

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